
The course is an entry point to further training material developed in specific workshops held during the ENCODE project life and to materials made available online by other projects. The training material produced through the ENCODE workshops has been developed, collected and organized taking in mind the most relevant areas of digital competences.

These competences are listed here below and have been formulated with specific explicit reference to the DigComp 2.2 Framework, published by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission which provides a common understanding of what digital competence is (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Vuorikari, R., Kluzer, S., Punie, Y., DigComp 2.2, The Digital Competence framework for citizens : with new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,

Competence area 1: Information and data literacy

  • can use independently and critically multilingual digital corpora and can evaluate and adapt and vary searching strategies to find the most appropriate data, information and content in digital corpora and databases, can guide others in browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content (DigComp2.2: 1.1 level 6).

  • are aware of the problems connected with the management of information related to multicultural contexts, data and content for the most appropriate easy retrieval and storage. Can manage xml files (through editors like Atom) and are aware of digital platforms and tools for managing digital publication (EFES, TEI-Publisher, Oxygen XML Editor project) (DigComp2.2 / 1.3 level 4/5).

Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration

  • can interact through a variety of digital technologies and understand appropriate digital communication means for a given multicultural context (DigComp2.2 / 2.1 level 4/5).

  • can share data, information and digital content with others through appropriate digital technologies. Know about referencing and attribution practices (DigComp2.2 / 2.2 level 4/5).

  • can use digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes and for co-construction and co-creation of data, resources and knowledge (e.g. online editing through cloud, wiki, conceive and apply agreed rules in complex projects) (DigComp2.2 / 2.4 level 5/6).

  • are aware of behavioural norms and know-how while using digital technologies and interacting in multicultural digital environments. Can adapt communication strategies to the specific audience and are aware of cultural and generational diversity in digital environments. (DigComp2.2 /2.5 level 5).

Competence area 3: Digital content creation

  • understand the structure of digital content in different formats (e.g. ways to create and edit a digital edition through XML language) (DigComp2.2/3.1 level 4/5).

  • are aware of copyright about ancient documents (photographs, museum rights, printed and digital editions), different kinds of online copyright and data protection (Creative Commons, OpenAccess, Linked Open Data) (DigComp2.2/3.4 level 5/6).

Competence area 5: Problem solving

  • is aware of specific project guidelines, forum and blogs for problem solution (e.g. Guide to SoSOL, Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines, EpiDoc Guidelines) as a basis to address problems when operating in digital infrastructures (DigComp2.2/5.1 level 4/5).

  • can identify, evaluate, select needs to which multicultural digital infrastructures and offer possible technological responses. Can understand where relations among different fields of study (epigraphy, philology, archaeology, linguistics) in different cultures and languages can be improved thanks to methods and tools of the digital domain (DigComp2.2/5.2 level 4/5).

  • can understand where one's own digital competence needs to be improved or updated. To be able to support others with their digital competence development. To seek opportunities for self-development (DigComp2.2/5.4 level 4/5).

Last modified: Monday, 29 January 2024, 12:09 AM