Choirokoitia - A Neolithic Settlement. Match the images from Choirokoitia!

The Neolithic Settlement of Choirokoitia is one of the most historically and culturally salient and well-preserved sites in the region. It is strategically located in the Maroni valley in the Larnaca district in Cyprus. Choirokoitians resided in this neolithic settlement between 7000 and the 5000 B.C. Choirokoitia forms an integral part of the Aceramic Neolithic era in the island and offers a glimpse into the first endeavors for farming and domestication of livestock, including sheep and goats. It is estimated that between 300 and 600 residents lived in Choirokoitia during that era.

Choirokoitia is situated in an uneven dry, stony terrain. It features a successive wall and small distinctive circular sand-dried mudbrick and stone homes, with a striking flat roof. The complex architectural layout reflects on the meticulous and collective efforts of the inhabitants and participation in socially structured activities and practices. The circular home structures were constructed to feature a central courtyard, with a small hearth and basin area.

Interestingly, these circular structured served the everyday needs of not only the inhabitants but also of the deceased. Burial pits were dug in these circular structures to bury the deceased, which were then layered with earthen floor. The average age for females was 33 and for males 35.  Excavations demonstrated that burial rituals were an integral part of their cultural practices, where broken stone vessels, bone artifacts, flint tools, and other cultural artifacts were buried with the deceased. The inhabitants abruptly fled the village of Choirokoitia around 6000 BC; however, the underlying reasons that led the inhabitants to flee the village are still unknown. 

For further information on Choirokoita, please refer to the following links: and