Learning outcomes and competencies

This course invites you to discover the world of digital multimodal literacies through examples, experiments, readings and tools. Unit I consists of an introduction to multimodal literacies. Unit II allows you to discover, read and experiment with different examples of multimodal literacies. Finally, Unit III will allow you to build your own multimodal editing tool, an eTalk, on a virtual machine. Enjoy your travels in multimodal literacies!

Learning outcomes: to understand the principles of multimodal literacies in cultural productions of knowledge; to understand the basic principles behind the impacts of orality, visuality and writing on digital culture; to understand the use of digital editing tools; to be able to use certain tools on texts, sounds and images.

Prerequisites: none.

Competencies: analyzing, curating, producing and sharing knowledge in multimodal and trans-media formats.

Keywords: literacies, multimodality, text-image-sound interactions, editing tools.

Scholarly methods: activity type: learning, consulting, discussing, analyzing, organizing, producing, browsing, data mining, locating, retrieving, publishing.

Information resource type: directories, videos, editing.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 March 2017, 2:07 PM